Local SEO in Digital Marketing

30, Jun 2021 | Growth marketing

At Tachuela we use several ways to position your company over others, however, local SEO is an underused strategy that helps position many businesses over others, even if they pay.

Sometimes when we perform searches we can get very specific, for example: Digital Marketing in Cancun and if you don’t believe what we say, just go to your search engine and check the searches that can be attached to your words after typing them:

  • Lawyers near me
  • Restaurants in Cancun
  • Digital Marketing in Benito Juárez

Do you know what this is called? Well, here we inform you! It is called Local SEOBut what is local SEO?

Well, the Local SEO refers to the set of web positioning techniques, which are always (or almost always) aimed at increasing the visibility of a website or business.

In searches by all kinds of users around the globe, as a first hint and even a tip, some SEO tools (including G Suite) allow you to configure your ads or display them in different languages. However, in local SEO you are looking for products or services in a specific location, as in the examples I mentioned above.

There are two ways in which this strategy can be successful The first is to look for a product or service, exactly the same as the one offered, but perhaps without the geographic area. The second is that by searching for the location (thanks to local SEO) and searching for related products, what is offered appears here.

Let’s take as an example an digital Digital Marketing at CancunThere would be a lot of potential clients, but with the use of local SEO and spreading the right valuable content with this strategy, the desired agency would appear as the first option.

Google My Business the auxiliary tool for local SEO

And we have arrived at the second tip and this free tool that Google gives us access to, allows us to link our presence on the Internet either with a physical location or in your case, the right environment as is the case now with the online stores.

Once inside, we will have to fill out a company form that will include information about the business, as well as its social networks and contact information. After several panels, we finish configuring the different options provided.

At the end we will be able to see that the company will be visible in a public way to those users that make a search that has to do with the product or service that we offer.

Either because they are close to our location (Digital Marketing) or on the other hand, the search intention is located in a specific geographic place (Cancun).

In the place where a series of businesses that meet these search conditions will be listed, it is called “Local Pack”. Local Pack “. So, if we want Digital Marketing Cancun to be at the top of that list, it is necessary to perform the optimization of the optimization of the profile.

Among all the options that Google My Business offers us, we highlight the possibility that customers can make ratings and reviews about the business, which represents points in our favor, serving as recommendations to future customers who come to consult similar searches.

This will basically help us to improve our online online reputation . So, if we continue with the example, if several customers leave excellent reviews to Digital Marketing CancunWe are probably the first agency to appear and the first to be contacted.

Google search results with “Marketing digital cancun”.

Digital Marketing Can…” Is it really necessary to add the geographic area?

Yes, because when we know the situation of our organization and we cannot provide our product or service at a global level, it is very important that the strategy of local SEOcan help us to generate visibility and even positioning in searches with geolocation with geolocation.

If, in another situation, you are looking to intensify your physical presence and now do it on the Internet, the technique of local SEO can be used. Local SEO could also be useful. The geographic component is what works when searching.

As for the advantages it offers, it can be:

  • It is important when it comes to generating local traffic If there is a lot of competition in the place where we live and we don’t work our online presence, it is important to generate local traffic. online presence If we do not work our online presence, they will probably choose another service or product that will appear in their searches.
  • Allows our business to appear on Google Mapswhich not only brings traffic to the website or interaction on social networks, but also attracts customers or potential customers to the physical location, because it will be displayed according to the proximity function.
  • Organic positioning organic will allow us to appear in the first options, and this will inspire confidence to our potential users, since it gives a professional image to the business by those who appear below us.
  • Knowing the geographic area will also allow us to show more detailed information, such as address, services and prices.

Appearance of the search on related websites

Which businesses can use local SEO?

All of them! Although it actually benefits much more local businesses, some of them may be gestorías, dealerships, restaurants, personalized medical services and for freelance freelance . The better positioned you are, the more likely you are to have potential customers in your mailbox looking for your services, so you should always remember to add the specific geographic areasuch as Digital Marketing Cancun, Restaurants near me, Tourist places in Cancun.

We hope this content has been to your liking, in conclusion: the tools and strategies with SEO strategies with SEO are the right ones to stand out from the competition and actually, it is quite profitable.

We are Tachuela and we invite you to keep reading our blog to learn more about tools that can be useful for you.

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